Pull Function

Typically a yield generating asset also earns farm rewards which would accrue to the contract address holding the ktokens. This would be the LP token contracts. Agora rewards will accrue to these contracts and would effectively be unclaimable.

To prevent this, a public pull function has been added that allows the retrieval of the rewards of the accrued rewards from the LP contract address. It allows anyone to trigger a pull function that extracts any token in the LP contract address that does not correspond to the LP token pair itself and sends it to the fee recipient address.

This allows the harvesting of accrued rewards, which are expected to be cycled back to the LPs via staking farms, thus boosting their returns.

Note that this model can be ported over to other chains and connected with other yield generating strategies.

Parameterized Fees

Trading fees have been set to 0.1% and can be adjusted by admin. Lower fees as compared to other AMMs are offset by the lending APY and the potentially higher trade volumes.