Liquidity Provider

  1. Supply both the tokens you’d like to LP to Agora, receiving kTokens as receipt tokens in return. Here, you can see we have already supplied $100 m.USDC and $100 m.USDT to Agora. This means we already have kmUSDC and kmUSDT in our wallet.


  2. Add your kTokens to Agora Swap LP by going to

Since we’re adding a new LP, we are setting an equal price ratio between kmUSDT and kmUSDC as they’re both stablecoins. If you’re adding to an established LP, it will automatically tell you what values to supply for the pair which will depend on their relative prices at that point.

Note - once you’ve added your kTokens to the LP, your balance will no longer be on Agora, as they’ll be in the LP contract.


  1. Stake your Agora Swap LP on farm (coming soon)

Reverse the process to unwind your positions. Your unwound positions will show up as supplied positions on Agora.


  1. Traders can go from any asset they have already supplied on Agora to any other asset on Agora. Let’s say we want to go from our supplied ($50) m.USDT to m.USDC.


  1. Go to and Swap the kmUSDT for the kmUSDC you want to receive. Note kToken ratios are different from the underlying asset values due to their interest bearing nature.
